AFCO Committee shadow rapporteurs endorse the measures presented by Victor Negrescu in his report on implementing special legislative procedures

MEP Victor Negrescu had his first meeting with the shadow rapporteurs to discuss the report of the European Parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Affairs on special legislative procedures and key institutional conflicts between the EU Council and the European Parliament.

”I was pleased to see the support of my fellow MEPs from the other political groups for the ideas and objectives presented”, said Negrescu.

The document drafted by the MEP as rapporteur of the European Parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Affairs includes the necessity for a legal justification of the EU Council votes, referring  to concrete examples where the Council did not engage in mutual sincere cooperation, such as the situation of Romania and Bulgaria regarding accession to the free movement area. Victor Negrescu recommends in the report a series of solutions to improve the capacity of the European Union to react through decisions adopted in full transparency and respecting the treaties.

The MEP insists in the above-mentioned document on the obligation for Member States to present a justification for the veto ”based on the provisions of the Treaty, on respect for the fundamental rights of all EU citizens and Member States and on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union”.

The document also proposes that vetoes that do not comply with EU law should be declared null and void.

The report also highlights ”the need to define precise requirements on the time frame for the adoption of an act by the Council” and a switch to a simplified validation or voting system.

The report is due to be debated in the European Parliament’s Constitutional Affairs Committee on 4 September. The vote at committee level is scheduled for the end of October and the plenary vote by the end of the year.

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