Social Democrat MEP Victor Negrescu clearly reiterated his call for Romania’s full accession to the Schengen area to be included among European leaders’ priorities for the EU’s future strategic agenda, alongside other priorities, such as a strong economy, local development, education or health, in his intervention in the main debate of the last plenary session of the European Parliament, focusing on the decisions adopted by the European Council for the next mandate.
“European leaders are currently negotiating the strategic agenda for the next 5 years. For the Romanians I represent, it is crucial that this agenda of European leaders includes Romania’s full accession to the Schengen Area. If we want a strong Europe, we need to bring the whole Union together in the Schengen area, and Romania’s accession by land would bring a useful economic and competitiveness boost to all Member States”, said Victor Negrescu.
The MEP also stressed the importance of a European budget that supports a prosperous Europe, centred on solutions addressing the concerns of European citizens, as well as the importance of a direct and honest dialogue between decision-makers and citizens about the latter’s needs and expectations.
“It is time they understood that for a better future of the European Union they need to get out of their chancelleries and talk to the people. Europeans want Europe to protect them, but they also want to be consulted by European leaders when making decisions. We want Europe to prosper and live in peace, and that requires a strong economy and supported entrepreneurs, investment in local development, in education and health, increased local production and support for farmers, but also clear and simple mechanisms, respected by all, so that no one is left behind. We therefore need a European budget that has sufficient resources for all these challenges and solutions to fight poverty and reduce inequalities”, said Victor Negrescu.
The last European Council before the European Parliament elections debated the report on the future of the Single Market, drawn up by former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, to inspire national leaders in preparing the EU’s future strategic agenda 2024-2029. The 147-page document, which proposes strengthening the single market along three axes – swiftness, security, and solidarity, supports Romania and Bulgaria’s efforts to fully join the Schengen area, calling on member states to decide this year on a clear date for the lifting of land controls for the two countries. The request is linked to the crucial development of the EU’s transport sector and the fight against any attempts to restrict freedom of movement between member states. The conclusions adopted by the European Council welcome the presentation of Letta’s high-level report and invite the current and incoming Council presidencies to take work forward on its recommendations by the end of the year.
Every five years, European leaders agree on the EU’s political priorities for the future. It is a collective effort led by the President of the European Council, where leaders discuss and take decisions together. For the period 2024-2029, the debate on strategic priorities revolves around several broad policy areas, agreed at the informal European Council meeting on 6 October 2023 in Granada, Spain: security and defence; resilience and competitiveness; energy; migration; global engagement; and enlargement.
The Strategic Agenda is due to be adopted in June 2024.
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