The European Parliament approved two projects initiated by Victor Negrescu: €750,000 for Europe’s rural environment and €1.5 million for the organisation and reduction of working time in the EU

Two pilot projects at European level signed by MEP Victor Negrescu, one as initiator and the other as co-initiator, were approved in October by the European Parliament’s Committee on Budgets.

The pilot project initiated by MEP Victor Negrescu aims to support the European agricultural sector and rural environment and will receive a budget of €750,000.

The project was approved by the European Parliament’s Budgets Committee, following a positive opinion received from the European Commission.

The Romanian MEP’s initiative aims to help the European Union rethink its common agricultural and rural development policy in order to provide more consistent support for farmers, the rural environment and small and medium-sized farms.

“Through this pilot project we aim to support farmers, rural areas and agricultural organisations at European level by rethinking the Common Agricultural Policy. We are thus the first to launch a Europe-wide reflection process on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy after 2027 with the aim of reducing gaps between Member States and increasing support for farmers and the rural environment. By approving this pilot project, we are fulfilling another objective of the #SateRomâneștiCuBaniEuropeni campaign, initiated by PES activists Romania and the Social Democratic Party, and demonstrating that we are honouring our commitment to hundreds of farmers and rural personalities”, said MEP Victor Negrescu.

A second pilot project co-signed by the Romanian MEP on the documentation of best practices in terms of organisation and reduction of working time, worth €1.5 million, was also approved at the BUDG Committee meeting.

This initiative aims to provide recommendations for a new regulatory framework on working time at EU level.

Victor Negrescu is also one of the MEPs with the most pilot projects initiated, convincing the European Commission to support new actions in areas such as digitalisation, education, health or industry. In fact, thanks to a pilot project submitted earlier this year by the Social Democrat MEP, eight schools in Romania are benefiting from EU funding for digitisation.

So far, the total value of the pilot projects initiated by Romania’s representative in the European Parliament amounts to more than €90 million.

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