Social Democrat MEP Victor Negrescu, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Culture and Education and Quaestor of the European Parliament, has concluded another year of parliamentary activity with many results at European level and positive prospects for the coming period. The …
Continue ReadingSocial Democrat MEP Victor Negrescu's report on the special legislative procedures, defining the commitment to the principle of loyal cooperation in the European decision-making process and demanding legal justification for all vetoes, was adopted with a large majority by the …
Continue ReadingVictor Negrescu, Vice-Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education reiterated the need for a European plan for education. He has recently taken part in numerous debates on education, such as the European Education Summit, organised by the …
Continue ReadingSpeaking in the European Parliament, meeting for the last plenary session of 2023, Social Democrat MEP Victor Negrescu stressed that "the chances of Romania joining the Schengen area, at least by air, have increased as a result of the adoption …
Continue ReadingVictor Negrescu believes that Romania ”must have a strong voice in the European decision-making process” and that it is up to us ”to take advantage of European opportunities to develop our communities”. Speaking in the European Parliament, he said he …
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